Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Halloween is rapidly approaching and I still do not have a costume. A small part of me is starting to feel “over” Halloween and getting a costume seems pointless. In fact, over the last few years, I have put less and less effort in creating a costume. I was the same thing the last two years with minor variations.

I’m supremely impressed by my friends who go all out for their costumes. I have a friend who takes Halloween with the seriousness some take their Christmas dinner presentation.  And another friend where price is no object to achieve the authenticity the holiday deserves.

I think it’s cool these friends of mine take such pride in their embrace of this pagan holiday. I long for the days when I actually wanted to dress up, but I am really feeling quite past that age. I don’t have any children of my own to entertain with a costume and since I live in an apartment building, no children ever come to ring the doorbell. (And refried children is so tasty) So I don’t even buy candy. Halloween really used to be a children’s holiday didn’t it? Now it’s all grown up parties and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages till Dracula is throwing up in Betty-Boop’s lap.

Maybe part of it is because of how slutty Halloween has become? I mean, I love to see woman let their inner slut out just like the next guy, put it’s gotten to the point of ridiculousness. Slutty bee, Slutty Nurse, Slutty Interior Designer; I mean, how much further can we push it. Naked Halloween? Wait…, I might be on to something there.

I also miss scary Halloween. There’s nothing very scary about a Slutty Stewardess; unless she’s got herpes.  I miss the moonlit, fog covered cemeteries of Edgar Allen Poe poetry or the blood curdling terror of being chased through the streets of London by a machete wielding maniac. I miss Victorian terror and horror.  I’m just not scared by Halloween anymore, too many boobs and short skirts. Although I’m terribly, “excited”, by Halloween costumes.

So for this year, I think I will be a werewolf, before he changes into a werewolf. So I can just wear normal clothes. Howl (cough) Ahhh-houuuulllll!!!

More Halloween to come.

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