Monday, November 29, 2010

Long Weekend, I miss you already

There’s nothing like a long weekend to help you feel relaxed and back on top. It’s such a wonderful thing to sleep late and hang out late and really just take care of your own business and not have to worry about anyone else or their problems; until that Monday after a long weekend.

I had a really nice long Thanksgiving and pre-birthday weekend. I was happy to spend my time with a lot of family and friends and really enjoyed myself. It wasn’t until 9:00 PM last night that I started to slowly realize the long weekend was coming to an end.

There’s nothing as demoralizing or soul crippling as that Monday morning after a long and lovely weekend. The amount of work that has been shoved on our faces for this Monday is astounding and I’m really in shock at people’s inability to sustain verticality in the world.

Can’t you people not fall down, and if you do, would you please take some responsibility for your own mistakes? It’s really just depressing to see this many new incidents from the long weekend. It’s just stunning how much there is. I’m just frozen with amazement and anger.

Anger because I just can’t understand why or how so many people in the contiguous United States can find the time to fall down in a store. Do people really just not look where they are going? Is everyone just staring up as they roam around the globe? I just don’t understand it so it makes me angry.

Listen up people, watch where you are going and if you trip and fall; it’s your own fault for not paying attention to your surroundings. Take some responsibility and toughen up.  You’re ruining my peaceful and calm state of mind.   

On the bright side however, I only have to work 2 days this week so I guess I might just have to suck it up and deal. At least I haven’t fallen down.  I do wonder if straight-jackets come in different colors now or if they are all just that clinical, sterile white?

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