Friday, April 15, 2011


Today is my last day in the suburbs.   It’s a very exciting time for me as I embark on a new stage of my life. I am very happy to be starting something new, but I’m also slightly nervous. There’s nothing like the thrill of a new experience to slightly scare the crap out of you.

It’s hard to imagine, but I’ve been working out here in Deerfield for six years and two months. I was 28 years old when I started working here. Seems like a very long time ago. So much has happened in that six years, feels like 30.

The next steps will return me to downtown Chicago. A place I love and cherish like no other. I can’t wait for a nice summer evening and a stroll down to the lakefront just because. There is nothing finer than the lake breeze and a golden sunset beaming down, casting a bronzed glow over the city.  I can’t wait.

I will miss a lot of the people I worked with. Not everyone of course. I’m very happy to get away from some folks, especially the guy who has nothing else to talk about other than his Corvette.  I’m not kidding; it’s all he talks about. He’s 58 years old and wants to have sex with his car. It’s pretty gross. I swear to god if there was a vagina on his corvette he’d do it.

Other than him though, I will miss Norma and Jim and Allyson. They’ve been my pals all these six years and I was lucky to have met them. It’s not like we’d go to each other’s children’s baptisms or anything, but we certainly developed quite a working friendship and I’m proud to have met them.

The new job will present me with some great opportunities to learn and experience some different crap. Let’s face it, most of the jobs we all have are just about dealing with different levels of crap. But I’m excited for the new crap.

Here’s to the new crap, let’s get it done and hopefully enjoy some of it along the way. You crap lover.

Also, since I’ll be starting something new, I might not have time to blog so effectively. There might be a short lull as I get into the groove of the new thing. So please bear with me as the new thing begins.

1 comment:

  1. So you'll soon be enjoying long walks on the beach, the fun ritual of bodily fluid stained blue line rides, and millions of people just stopping midstep and staring up into the sky. Welcome back
