Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cold again

It happened again. It’s only my third week back downtown but I’ve already caught a cold. I blame the mobile virus capsules, also known as commuter trains. The train is really probably the most virus ridden crock pot of churning disease in existence. (Other than the hot tub at a Leper colony)

All morning I hear the hundreds of commuters, coughing, sneezing and wheezing their way to work. They then grab onto hand rails and doors and seat backs and leave an invisible trail of pestilence in their wake. I do my best not to touch a lot of those surfaces but in most cases it cannot be avoided. I am considering wearing one of those surgical masks and gloves like the Chinese do. Although I don’t want to look more like a weirdo than I already do.  

The trouble is, of course, I am now one of the coughing and sniffling choir; spreading my own illness to other healthy commuters. I suppose that’s just one of the risks we take in a mass commuting situation. On the plus side, I won’t be getting this particular cold again so I guess I can chalk one up for the human immune system.

What it also returns me to is the use of cold medicine. I normally don’t like to take it, and as I’ve said in the past, it makes me really loopy. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind I take, eventually I find myself in a half coherent fog and I’m visualizing the strangest of scenarios. It’s as if my imagination also has a cold and it’s been given permission to come up with the craziest crap.  Plus I find it difficult to focus and type; which in turn adds to my frustration about trying to describe the wild visions of my cold medicine trip.

It also makes it very hard to work. I am extremely distracted and unfocused. I should have gotten a large coffee, that medium didn’t last long enough.  I guess I'll pop another Hall's and try not to cough in people's ear on the phone.  (Sniffle, cough)

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