Monday, June 6, 2011

A Monday in June

Today for most of us is just a regular old Monday. It’s nothing special or dramatic for sure, mundane even. But 67 years ago, June 6th 1944, was a very different type of day. Today marks the 67th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy by the Allies. The liberation of Europe under Hitler’s control began. My grandfather was part of the third wave assault at Omaha beach so I do have something personal vested in this anniversary.

I often wonder how I would have done, running up that beach, hellfire pouring down from the German positions, my friends exploding all around me, the white beaches stained red from all the blood. I just don’t know what I would have done. I like to think I would have been able to do the job I was sent there to do and with luck, survive.
I feel lucky to survive my regular work day for the most part so I do have a pretty hard time convincing myself that I would have made it across that beach alive.  

My grandfather and his division were in some of the toughest battles of the war. They fought their way through Europe and were even part of The Battle of the Bulge. It was a tough road for certain, but those men and women rolled up their sleeves and did what had to be done. Without all the complaints you hear these days.

I literally got off the phone a moment ago with a claimant who was complaining about damages to a vase in his home by an installer. I said we were not able to verify the damage to his antique Aztec vase, allegedly, caused by our installer, so we were not able to reimburse him for it. I said we’d pay for the damages to the siding of his house as we were responsible for that, but the vase we could not. You would have thought this guy’s children had just been shot in the face with his outrageous reaction to our decision. It’s just a vase for crying out loud. It’s not like your best buddy through all of Basic just got his arms and legs blown off by German artillery. It’s a damn vase.  Grow up and quit whining about it. Take the money we’re giving you for the siding and move on. Sheesh!

That’s the trouble with this country; we’re ridiculous.  We don’t know what we’re capable of because we haven’t been really tested in a long time. America provided 95% of the world’s goods post WWII, now; I don’t even think we make paperclips. We’re so worried about fuel costs, sunscreen, and the Twilight Saga, bird, shark, jellyfish, or cow attacks that we sit on our air conditions asses and complain about a broken vase that probably wasn’t even Aztec because that civilization died out so long ago that any real pottery would be in a museum. Stop being ridiculous and start remembering that the ground you so comfortably sit on was likely covered with the blood of our forefathers. Stop being so smug and have a sense of decency and reverence. Shove the vase up your pompous ass.

Deep breath. Okay, as I was saying, it’s not just a regular Monday (although it’s really starting to feel like it) it’s a day we should remember that once, men did what was asked of them and only wanted to come home as their reward.

General Eisenhower’s Message Sent Just Prior to the Invasion

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will fight savagely.
But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory!
I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!
Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.
-- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

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