Friday, January 10, 2014


             “Pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me,” said the Dog.

             His tail wagged wildly, to the point that his rear was wiggling. His enthusiasm was uncontained.

             “I just pet you for like, ten minutes straight. How can you need more,” asked the Man.
             “Pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me,” continued the Dog.

             The man sighed and continued to pet the dog. Dog hair flew about as the man did his best to comfort the dog’s desire for attention. He pat the dog on the side as a sort of finishing move and pointed toward the dog’s bed.

             “Go lie down,” said the man.

             The dog just stared at the man. The man stood up and stretched and walked toward the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. The dog ran past him to the back door.

             “No, we’re not going out right now. I need a cup of coffee to wipe the sleep from my eyes,” said the Man.
            “Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk,” asked the Dog.
            “Not right now. I said I needed a coffee first,” said the Man.  

             The dog sat down in front of the door and watched the man as he got his coffee together. The dog followed the man as he got a coffee cup, coffee, cream, sugar, a spoon and placed them out in anticipation. The man turned from the counter and looked back at the dog.

             “You know, we’re not all that dissimilar. I’m a lot like you when it comes to trying get the attention of a pretty woman. In fact, I almost act the same way. I want to be pet and I want her to notice me and hang out with me and cuddle with me,” said the Man.
            “Walk,” asked the dog as he stood.
            “No, not yet,” said the Man with a sigh.

             The coffee cup filled at the single cup coffee maker and the man moved for it. The dog sniffed the man’s legs as he moved back and forth in the kitchen. The dog was almost underfoot as the man moved about. The Man flavored his coffee and moved back toward the living room to sit. The dog followed and plopped himself in front of the man as he sat on the couch.

             “Let me drink my coffee,” said the Man.
            “Pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me, pet me,” said the Dog.
            “Fine,” sighed the Man, “you need a lot of love hm? So do I.”
            The Man smiled.

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