Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Let's Get Our Love On

Where does it all come from?
All this hate?
All this anger toward each
Don’t we have more important
things to do than to worry about
what that woman is wearing,
what that guy smells like,
who has what sex organs,
what God is THE God?

Why is it we have so much time
for hatred, but so little time for

I hate traffic, long lines, poor
communication, misunderstandings,
drippy food at a restaurant, broken
shoelaces, bad TV reception, running
out of beer, expensive cigarettes,
and being told what to do.

That’s the breadth of my hatred really,
I’m aware of its futility and sometimes
ridiculousness, I can laugh at myself for
my silly hatreds. They are the mild
annoyances of life that sometimes
deserve scorn, but are in no way destructive.

I just want to make time for love, in the
least beatnik, hippie-ish way possible.
More like, love is simply the way of the
world and the thing we as people all have
the most in common. Rather than hate.
I want to love you. I want you
to love me too.

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