Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Aw, Put That Away!

The Cold War was very
real when I was a boy.
It seemed like any day a
nuclear war would break out
between the U.S. and the Soviet
Union and the world would be
plunged into a dystopian nightmare
akin to The Road Warrior or some
Orwellian State.

Millions of lives could be lost
in a strange “Biggest kid on the Block”
muscle party and I was terrified.
I had childhood anxiety as I was
obsessed with this idea that our
extinction might be at hand.
It directly led to my adult anxieties
without question.

And here we are again, saber rattling,
whipping our nuclear dicks out,
shouting, “You want some of this!”
And it’s terrifying. I mean that imagery
is pretty disturbing, but the real
rhetoric is even worse. It’s scary.
I’m scared.

I think we’ve forgotten that bitter taste of
fear and mistrust of our Global neighbors,
I don’t believe it’s a flavor I’d like to revisit.
In the meantime, I’ll be nervous, but not
as terrified as I was as a child. I’ll hope for
the best and that cooler, rational heads

I hope they put their dicks away,
wash their hands and remember
how many times we’ve come to the brink
of desolation and pulled back, remembering
how terribly finite our existence is on this little
planet. There’s no future in reliving the past.
And I’m not sure my anxiety can handle it this
time around. 

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