Monday, August 14, 2017

Eclipse Prescription

Next Monday there is a Solar
Eclipse that will pass over the
United States of America.
It’s the first time in 26 years
that it’ll happen.  I think we need

The path of the eclipse will
pass over 14 States. The Sun will
be blotted out by the Moon for
varying times, Southern Illinois
will have the longest eclipse period
with 2m 44s of totality.

Meaning the Moon will cast a
shadow over Illinois for a full
two minutes and 44 seconds. And it’ll
be dark. Dark as night. The total
Celestial event will last for a full
1h 33m 16.8s.

The event literally happens at the
speed of light. It’ll happen no matter
what is going on down here on Earth.
In fact, the cosmos doesn’t care
what is happening on Earth.  

The divides between people,
ideologies, religions, Nations,
and politics are all meaningless
compared to the pure majesty of
nature and the universe.  The
Sun and the Moon, don’t care.

They don’t care if you’re Black,
White, Brown, Yellow, Red, or
every conceivable color known.
The Sun, Moon, Stars, just don’t
care. A great Shadow will traverse
the Globe with or without you. 

The bigotry, hatred, and divisiveness
we heap on each other on this
insignificant space body is just dumb
when you get down to it.
There’s no point really.
Your perceptions are not permanent.

So, I really can’t believe I have
to say it all again. I’m not sure
how many times will be enough.
Your beliefs in one Race, Creed,
Theology, or superiority is
a waste and a weight on us all.

As the shadow of the Moon
passes over your homes I hope
it’ll help to show you how small
you are and how little the universe
cares about your point of view.
It doesn’t care about my point of view.

A Country, cast in shadow for a short time,
a mini Dark Age, hopefully to emerge bathed
in enlightenment, about who we are on the
World and who we want to be in the short
time we have.  Because in the dark,
we’re all the same.

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