Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Swinging at Snow

Looking for love is
like swinging a
sledgehammer at
falling snow.

Stumble bums and break hearts,
plead at the foot of some
romantic ideal, “The Woman”
with the bright eyes, easy smile
and carefree sexuality. Begging for a
shot at romantic love. 

“I brought my sledgehammer,”
the stumble bums and break hearts shout to
her. “Look, look, look, look, look,” they
say as they dip and bob for her eyes,
praying they fall up them.

Like looking for a cardinal
in a sea of blue jays,
looking for a porpoise
amid dolphins, looking for
hay in a stack of needles.

Love, without scandal,
judge-less, faultless, wherein
the only consequence is
happiness and a desire to mutually
suffer for someone else.

I’m swinging that sledgehammer,
hitting air, walls, beer bottles, sidewalks,
pedestrians, lampposts, cars, elephants
in the room, but missing the falling snow.

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