Wednesday, February 14, 2018

At the Love-In

Perhaps the Love-In movement
was right. Maybe all you do need
is love…, love…, love.

Our World, wacky with the
piercing fangs of intolerance,
hate, mistrust, suspicions, anger,
rage-ahol, and general dislike
for that guy on the bus that smells
like he shit in his hat, might need
a little more love.

I like love. I like being in love.
I like being loved. You might say
that I love being loved.
It’s lovely. It’s lucky.
It’s not easy.

When it’s so easy to be angry,
to hate and fail to recognize
another human being for what they
are, is when we must remember to love.

It’s not implicit that we just forget
those that have transgressed against us and
failed to find their own love for us.
There are always evil people who do
not know what love is and are incapable
of expressing it. They cause pain and suffering
as an expression of their own pain and suffering
without love.

Those that forget their love, how to love,
what love is supposed to be, should be
pitied. We mourn for the loves we lost but
take comfort in the love they may have
found in the unknown.

Love is persistent, resilient and of
tougher stuff that we know.  It has
carried us to the heights of wonder,
the depths of depravity, and the
suburbs of pretty okay for
 a Wednesday.

The more we let love into our
hearts, the love of our collective
humanity; regardless of creed, color,
religion or odor, the better chance
we have to succeed as a whole.

Clothed in the loving warmth of the human
heart as expressed by, to and for each other.
The Love-In.  

1 comment:

  1. I simply loved this! I love being in love :) Beautifully crafted , talking about myriad forms of love. Well done :)
