Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Empire of Ash

Piles of soot spread about
the floors of my heart.
Burned so many times
it’s no longer capable of
holding a flame.

A beating vessel of ash.
Pushing slag through my
veins, flooding into my brain,
clouding the works, the logic,
the rational and steady computations
of the mind.

Cold to the touch,
frostbitten with ash,
fingertips numb to the softness
of skin, the teasing touches of
eager passion,
all ashes.

A once leaping warm heart,
burning with vitality and vigor,
dulled to the numb beat of
extinguished flames, the
lub-dub pumper just an old
blackened chimney.

A cough, pitch and thick,
heavy with the millions of
words spent on fiery embraces,
drifting on clouds of coal dust
and ash. A putrid cloud of
empty promises.

The ashes of youth, the ashes
of thinking I knew what I was doing,
about love, about passion, about life,
the ashes, spread about the timbers
and joints of my life, crisped from
the old fires, now weak and dangerous.

Ashes, spread about the place,
making me wonder, who will
clean this mess up.
Who would even
want to?   
Is there a she, willing to get
so dirty, so covered in soot.

Grab a shovel, dig in, sweep and
bless the ashes from my heart,
and dismiss them in the fires
of her passions.
Reignite, rekindle, restart the
incandescent heat.

She is the middle word
in ashes. So perhaps she
has always been there, stoking
the fires, burning it all down
for her own empire of Ash.

Our Empire of Ashes.

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