Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Here Comes the Ouch

Here comes the ouch.
Here comes the pain.
Here comes the fear.
Here it comes again.

Here we go.
Another minor, regular,
surgery, on my mouth tomorrow.
Cyst removal, abscess correction,
maybe lose a tooth or two.

Yup, just another day of getting
older, being human and pervious
to the ravages of time, genetics,
and general crap that comes with
the human body.

I’m not so much afraid of the
surgery. Even if it is an hour and
a half long ordeal. I’m not scared
about that at all. It’s the after that
I hate. The subservience I must accept.

The subservience to the whims of
my body, keeping me alive but
simultaneously trying to murder me.
It makes me irritated and out of

Just work body.
Do your damn thing without being
a complete and utter inconvenience
for me and others.  No. It’s time for
pain, irritation and annoyance.

It’s no wonder I’d be an old man
200 years ago, ancient even.
To live this long seems to be a struggle
even for modernity. The ailments of aging,
a reminder of mortality.

And how irritating dying must be.
I’m not dying though. I don’t think
my body will let that happen. It’ll keep
me alive longer to continue
the torments it has planned
for the future.

And yet,
Here comes the ouch.
Here comes the pain.
Here comes the fear.
Here it comes again.

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