Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Fire Dancers

When I was a child I once
saw fire dancers,
twirling and spinning flaming torches
around their heads and bodies,
the flames spun around the
dancers, but they never got

I thought, “I wish I could try
that, that looks amazing”,
but I was discouraged from doing
so. My mother told me those
fire dancers, they practiced for
a lifetime to master their skill.

She told me it would be dumb
to assume that I, as a child, knew
anything about fire dancing, or fire
for that matter. I didn’t have the
experience, know-how or insight
into the life of a fire dancer.

“I’ll show her”, I thought. I’ll light
this torch on fire and dance with
the greatest of ease, it has to be easy,
they made it look so graceful and
simple. I’m sure I know as much as
they do.

Several minor burns later I knew
my mother was right. I had no
business meddling within the
realms of fire dancers. I did not
have the knowledge, know-how,
or skills to ever understand the
fire dancer’s life.

I was just a child playing with fire,
a child too ignorant and proud to
admit that I was attempting a skill,
a life-style choice that I knew absolutely
nothing about. I learned that I would
have to know more about fire dancers.

I learned that just because I
know about fire-dancers doesn’t
give me the skills to become one.
It doesn’t even give me a platform
to discuss their trials and tribulations.
Lifetimes of burns and scars.

I still know next to nothing about
fire dancers, as a grown man, and
it would be foolish to pretend that
I knew what was best for the fire
dancing community.

Let the fire dancers dance,
let them twirl and spin,
wildly in the night,
without the non-fire dancers
telling them how to do it.

Eventually, they’ll burn you.
And you probably asked for it.

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