Friday, October 25, 2019

Nine Year Anniversary!!!!

                It’s an anniversary! It’s been nine years of A Minute with Michael on, or Blogger, as it's known now. In that time, I have written (including this) 1,204 posts, I’ve written two books, Never Said Enough, and the follow-up Saying Too Much: A Second Volume of Poetry and have hopefully touched some part of my readers lives in a small way. I’m really awestruck that if you read one post a day, every day, it would take 3.3 years to finish. That’s an astounding trivial fact!

                I’m proud of the work I’ve put into this blog site, even if “blogging” isn’t exactly as popular as it once was. And if I think about it, I might have been a little late to that party as it was.  I am thankful that an old friend showed me how to even start up a blog page nine years ago and even though time has essentially erased the connection I had with that friend; I am still appreciative of her help. Without her assistance, I don’t know what I would have done to express myself creatively and artistically.

                I know that with each follow, re-post, share, like and re-tweet, I’ve been allowed to become a small part of your lives and your thoughts. My wish is that this curious form of telepathy has meant as much to you as it means to me and I am sincerely grateful for all the support, likes, re-tweets, shares, and comments I’ve received over the years.  I’m always appreciative of any words of encouragement, support or share; as well as any constructive criticism. So don’t be shy!

                I know not everyone has the time to read much these hectic days and I do try to keep my posts to the minimum of a quick read. I do aspire to try and adhere to the “Minute” part of the title. (Although I am a pretty fast reader so that method of timing might be a little skewed.) I deeply recognize the effort my readers put in to make time for my little pieces about life, love, sadness, joy and occasional lunacy. I’m proud to identify as a writer and as a poet and welcome the gracious encouragement I have received.

                I will continue to post and write and create to express not only my internal struggles, woes, happiness’s; but be a relatable platform for all those that might feel the same things stirring inside themselves but just don’t have the words to express it. And to make sure use of the semi-colon doesn’t vanish.  

                I am looking forward to the Ten-year anniversary next year and I hope before then to have a collection of my short stories in print. So keep a lookout for that sometime in the coming year.

                Thank you again for the Nine years of support and love!


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