Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Go! Go! Dystopia!

Bring on the Dystopian Future!
I’m ready for the wastelands,
the breakneck speed of survival,
the cursed Earth motorcycle hordes
cruising the scorched planet for
resources, women and other
previously mundane but now precious

Let’s do it!
I’m tired of this desk job.
I’m tired of the nine to five.
I’m bored with the same TV and
movies. I’m already lonely so what
difference would a burned and scarred
world make? My odds of getting a date
are probably equal.

So let’s just chuck it all!
No more inequality, we will all just
be “survivors” striving to re-invent
society. We can be the re-inventors
after the great fall of the world.
We can have the front row to
evolution’s great leap.  We can be
the tellers of the stories.

Sure, it’ll be tough at first,
there will be casualties and difficulties,
but think of the rewards of being the
society after the dystopian nightmare!
We’d be remembered as the dreamers and the
doers. The Ben Franklins of a new age!
The new Thomas Jeffersons!
We could be the Phoenix rising!

Or, you know, maybe not.
I mean, there’s a lot of problems in a
dystopia. I mean, I hated the Medieval
period in human history and I don’t know
if I could endure that sort of Dark Age
again. I mean, I’m sort of a slight guy,
no muscle-bound thick neck, so I probably
wouldn’t survive a week into the dystopian age.

Rats. I seem to have talked myself out of the
awesomeness of a New Desolate Age of scrounging
and scratching out some little ounce of survival
on the torched plains of Earth.
I mean, yeah, who wants to crap
into a hole in the ground after we’ve
come so far with indoor plumbing.
Air conditioning.

So maybe we avoid all this war stuff,
we do something about these fires,
we try some humanitarian aid instead of
denying people their basic humanity.
Perhaps we prevent a dystopia and try to
build rather than tear down.
Perhaps it is not too much to hope for,
it is not too much to make real.

It’s still probably easier than me getting
a girlfriend.

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