Thursday, July 2, 2020

A Letter for your Birthday

Dear United States of America,

I understand it’s your birthday in a couple days. I know you’ve been going through some tough times recently. Not that it’s anything new for you. I mean, c’mon, you’ve been going through trouble since July 4, 1776; trouble is pretty much your middle name.  

These recent troubles though, the last sixty- seventy years or so, have really been rough on you and I wanted to remind you of who I think you are, or at least, who you ought to be. I know it isn’t easy, what with being a country founded upon the ideals of a Revolution, to listen to any whispers of revolutionary ideas or politics. It would seem hypocritical to do that. Yet I see you struggling with that notion every day. And it’s okay. I know in your heart you want to do the right thing but perhaps you’re not sure what that “right” thing is.

Equality is the pillar of your soul and it is always in your best interest to try and live up to the challenges it presents. I know you want the citizenry to be healthy, wealthy and wise but you have to figure out the way in which we all can get there, regardless of the labels put upon us. It is obviously a rough go, but it can be done so I don’t want you to lose heart.  It is one of the “right” things.  Equality isn’t always equal, but a fair chance at it is always a solid plan for success.

Opportunity is one of your greatest gifts. A person, broken and abused in their original homeland could come to you with an idea, a cause or wish and you’d hold them to your bosom and ask, “What do you need?” A willingness to provide this stranger with an opportunity to fulfill their own hopes and dreams is another right thing. It is in this Land of Opportunity, in a relatively short amount of global time, you changed everything. Your recognition that anyone that comes to the table with a good idea can have the opportunity at success. Yet opportunity can be so much more. Opportunity doesn’t have to spring forth in a miraculous industrial revolution, it can be simpler. Opportunity to change the world can come from providing the chance for all to attend quality schools and attain the knowledge they might need to add to your greatness.  Opportunity needs a little push sometimes and from that small push, greatness can arise.

Justice. That’s a little trickier since Justice is supposed to blind. I mean, I’ve seen some really accomplished blind people in my life but sometimes you do tend to bump into a lot of shit and hurt some people. It’s not always your fault, sometimes the suppression of your values has you double-blinded, but for true justice, you have to have at least one eye open. That eye should be focused on the elevation of your values and not punishment. Behavior rarely changes if the only reward for trying is disownment and punishment. Justice has to have one eye on the present, one eye on the future and a third eye on involvement. Justice is not served when the world is blind and kept at arm’s length. So, think about that a little.

Humility is another thing that I think you might want to work on. I mean, U.S., you’re pretty cool, but no one likes a braggart. I mean, I’m perfectly happy to talk about you and all the wonderful things you have the capacity to do, but I’m not shoving it in anybody’s face. If you want a more democratic world, more places like you, then you have to let them get there on their own, like you did when Britain was all up in your face. Freedom will find a way. And if they ask for your help, help them, but don’t come looking for them to pay the bill after the party. Be humble.

I think within all of this, there’s a chance for you to really be brave and bold. I think you can come out of all of this with a new sense of who you are and who you want to be. You’re still a young country yet and these things do take time, but I know you can do it. I know you can find those brave parts of you that long for those ideals so eloquently written 244 years ago and to live up to them.  

U.S.A., you’ve got a hard road ahead and I do not envy you the work you must do, but I wanted to let you know that I’m with you. We may not always agree, we may not think each other is doing their best, but I will always have faith you’ll get to the place where your values and your lofty ideals are your greatest strength.

So have a Happy Birthday! Don’t go crazy on a jet-ski with fireworks shooting out of your asshole as you blaze across the lake. Maybe stay on the pier this year and responsibly enjoy a few cocktails with the rest of the grown-ups.  Anyway, have fun and keep your chin up.


This Guy

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