Friday, March 23, 2018

The Girl with the Golden Eyes

The girl with the golden eyes
smiled at me.
I hadn’t expected it nor was
I adequately prepared.

I stammered and stuttered,
made a quick joke, fixed my
sweater and shifted my weight
on the balls of my feet.

She smiled at me again,
eyes sparkling like sunset on
a gentle lake, hued in amber
and bronze.

I meekly smiled back, feeling
sheepish, unworthy and
altogether immodest, mildly
afraid and excited by her attention.

She extended her hand, a gentle
smile gracing her visage, glittering,
in the dusky hour before nightfall,
and I took her hand in mine.

Her touch, a peaceful electrifying
tremor of calm and tenderness.
Her golden eyes met mine, my
forehead furrowed with mild confusion.

Her golden eyes shimmered as she
playfully laughed at my awkwardness.
I held her hand a bit tighter as we walked
toward whatever end there might be.

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