Wednesday, September 26, 2018


The more I understand,
the more it makes me

Wonderstanding is
when you get it,
you know all about it,
but can’t stop thinking
about it.

I wonderstand about
my place, my purpose,
my wants, desires, and
how to be someone worthy
of another’s wonderstanding.

I know who I am,
but I don’t exactly
wonderstand why it is
I am who I am and why I

It would be wonderful,
not to be cursed with this
abundance of wonderstanding,
but I do understand.

I wonderstand about where
she is, what she is doing, how I can
be a part of her life and she a part of
mine. I understand that I just haven’t
met her yet. Or maybe, she hasn’t met me.

Wonderstanding keeps you up
at night, in bed, tossing and turning
with replays of embarrassments and
second guesses.

I can’t stop my wonderstanding,
I’m not sure if I want to. I understand
it can be trepidatious, but I still
yearn for a deeper wonderstanding.  

 - P.S. Don't forget to check out my second volume of poetry for sale at:

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