Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Vastness Within

Did you know on New Year’s Day
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft
passed an object 4 Billion miles
away from Earth? That’s beyond
Pluto and into the Kuiper Belt.

Only the Voyager Missions have
traveled further out beyond our
Solar system. Voyager One being
over 13 Billion Miles and Voyager
Two being over 11 Billion Miles,
into “interstellar Space”.

Both Voyagers have been out there
in space for 41 years. New Horizons
has been travelling since 2006 to make
it four billion miles away. It’s amazing
to me that human beings have done

As these travelling vessels of our
collective ingenuity hurtle through
space; I am awed. Awed that when these
small satellites look back, Earth is just
another micro dot against the black.

We are insignificant, yet; it is only
a temporary insignificance. It seems
to me that our self-imposed importance
should be cast aside for the greater good,
for the opportunity to live in a New Era.

Sure, I’m one guy on a small planet in the
Milky Way. I’ll never live on the Moon or
make flapjacks on Mars. I’ll never experience
true weightlessness. I am bound to this
Planet and it’s destiny.

It is in my tethered nature that I aspire
to inspire, to love, to live, to hope, to spend the
New Year exploring the uncharted depths
of my humanity, my capacity for honesty,
integrity and living a decent life.     

It is the same hope that got
those space vessels into the air,
the same hope that keeps them
working, the same hope that I
want to cherish, honor and share.
In mine, and your explorations.

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