Friday, April 26, 2019

Loving the Tattooed Lady

An orchard of pain
was tattooed along the curves
of her body.

The colors and waves of light,
tendrils of ink telling her

I ran my fingers along the
outlines of her pains and the
tale of each skin painted picture.

She bit on the edge of her
thumbnail, lost in some memory,
looking outward, into the past.

I was delicate in my touch,
as she recalled each tattooed
broken heart borne on her sleeve.

Stories written in blood,
over flesh, scars and time,
now elegant and masterpieces of coping.

Velvety red roses dappled in sunlight and
dew, masterfully drawn to tell the
story of the loss of her mother.

Orange and yellow flames flickering in the shadow
of the curve of her spine, to
illustrate a near fatal car accident.

Thick green thorny vines wound around her
hip and across her belly, her connection
to her lost child.

Bright azure birds in flight on her
shoulder blades over a blackened sky
to mark her rise over an ever-present sadness.

Each flourish of ink; pinks, blues,
purples and yellows, flashing vibrantly,
a swirling testimonial of survival.  

I became aware of my silence,
awash with teary-eyed tenderness for the
tough, tattooed woman.

She lit a cigarette and exhaled,
blue white smoke filling the space above her head,
a halo drifting in the waning daylight.

She spoke softly, white blanket pulled
modestly over her legs, plainly speaking
as I plainly listened.

A carefully crafted orchard of pain,
etched lovingly across her skin,
bravely hiding everything, and nothing.

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