Friday, August 30, 2019

The 12 Labor Days of Hercules

Labor Day Weekend is a
good time to work out some
of this writers block that’s clogging
my create holes. So, very, clogged.

Time to hose it all off and start
fresh, with new perspectives,
new ideas, better phrases, and
more general interest.

To really get out in the yard and
stretch those toes out in the grass,
really feel the world around me and
delve into the essence of humanness.

Or, pretend to do those things while
accidentally spilling your beer while
trying to explain to the hot but really
disinterested woman how she should
just give you a damn chance cause you’re reallyniceandpeoplelikeyoueandtere’snoreasonsheshouldn’ttalktoyou.

A Herculean task to say the least,
one of Hercules 12 Labor Days I think,
I don’t really remember the Greek myth
all that well, something about penance
for murdering your family after God madness
and not wearing white or something like that.

See, look at all that oozing out of my
create hole. There’s some crustiness too,
but that’ll ease as the juices start flowing,
and I regret just writing about flowing juices.

Yes, Labor Day, deeply rooted in the history
of Chicago and Greek myth. The Haymarket Riots
and the Pullman Palace Car Company all in Chicago
helped solidify the respect workers should receive.

And Hercules doing all those 12 labors to
assuage his guilt over murdering his family.
Yes, such a rich and colorful history we all share.
Whoops, sorry, spilled my beer a little. So, you come here often?   

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