Monday, December 30, 2019

Oh God, Another New Year?

I came up with a High School yearbook
slogan for the coming new year.
“2020: Coming into Focus”

You know, like 20/20 vision.
Coming into visual clarity.
Seeing with clearness.

Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be plastered all over
yearbooks across the Country because
frankly, it’s not that great of a slogan.

I’m not sure how apt the slogan will
be for those of us long removed from
the High School days.

I initially applauded my own cleverness
at the development of this slogan, but as
time went by I recognized its ultimate cheesiness.

It is not exactly how I want to enter this New Year,
this new decade actually. Although the impetus was
pure and authentic, as I do hope things come into focus for me.

It’s just not all that good as sayings go.
And who am I to make up a new saying?
Do I carry enough weight to make up such a thing?

I imagine it on tee-shirts, perhaps with a
a bespectacled illustrated character with its fist in the air
in defiance of the prior blurry years of the past.  

Standing atop some giant 2020, fireworks going off
all around the background. Across the chests of some
young people excited about their potential.

Or maybe the character sitting in a laser surgery chair
giving a thumbs up as his beady eyes are made new through
science.  I don’t really know, there’s a lot of directions.

It is, however, just a weird phrase I came up with at
my employer’s Christmas party after hearing the boss’s
speech about what 2020 is sure to bring.

I’ve tried it out a few times on my friends,
but it hasn’t exactly been received with
the adulation I’d hoped.

I suppose that’s what makes a new year
so good then. A chance to leave the nonsense
of the past year behind and start something new.

I’d prefer I didn’t sound like a terrible TV sitcom
writer, hammering a point home about change and
the future and all that tepid, formulaic tripe.

Even the review of the cheesy slogan appears to
be cheesy. I think I’ll leave my slogan here in

I’m not sure I want to take it with me.  
I’ll put it by the door, with all of last year’s stuff
I’ve been meaning to toss.

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