Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sucks to your Ass-Mar

“Sucks to your ass-mar, Piggy.”
Is, I think, the most apt phrase
to describe how I’ve been feeling
as of late.  I added the Piggy part
as that is not in the original
Lord of the Flies quote. Just had to say it.

Piggy, the poor child, is cursed
with asthma and childhood weight
issues and is at the pointed end of
all the sharpest criticism from
his so called, “friends”.
Piggy is us.

His sad fat little face, turned upward
with polite defiance as the children
around him descend into savage
chaos and primitive tribalism.
Piggy wants to follow the rules
when no one else does.

Jack is the slick, smooth and
persuasive leader of the savage boys,
lithe and wiry, golden haired and
charming. I’ve always hated him.
He was the snobby shit type I still can’t
stand.  But he is also, us.

We are both the mob of savage
children and that sad fat boy,
marooned together on an island
trying to survive through either reason
or brute force. We vacillate between
the two, changing allegiances.

We try to make sense of our place
in it all. Are we the rule makers, the
rule breakers, the outlaws, the legislators
of our own destinies? Where do we fit,
are we Piggys or are we Jacks? Are we
both, constantly at odds until we weep?

Weeping at the feet of some adult,
an adult that is supposed to be us.
I’m not so sure anymore.  So that is why
I have to say it, and say it too often it seems
“Sucks to your ass-mar!”

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