Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Harder To Write Than I Thought


As it is Pride month,

I thought we should

spend this Minute with

Michael discussing

Destructive Pride.


Typically, Pride is the

ego manifest in the

justified adoration of

a well-done deed or task.

An off-shoot of being

proud, as it were.   


Destructive Pride is unearned,

a narcissistic tendency

to self-aggrandize in

spite of evidence

contrary to any accomplishment.


Destructive Pride is often

obstinate in the face of

new information.

It will not bend, waiver or



Destructive Pride will echo

its moral superiority over

any affront or perceived

slight, unflinching in its

stubborn self-imposed superiority.


Destructive and Stupid Pride,

go hand in hand, repeating in unison,

“That’ll never happen to me. I am far

too good, too important, to special

to ever be crushed by an avalanche!”

Just as the snow starts its destructive

flow down the mountain.


“It’s just snow.

Weak and melty,” says Destructive Pride.


Even in the face of Death, Destructive Pride

will not abandon their unfounded,

ungrounded beliefs of their own self-importance.

It will manipulate, cajole and harass until

everyone believes things the way they do.

Regardless of facts, science, reason or accountability.

Killing everyone.

Pride, destructive pride, does indeed

cometh before the fall.

Yet, in these modern times, I never

see the fall any more.


Destructive Pride just keeps going,

on and on, denying anything ever

happened, repeating its own mantra

of infallibility and doubling-down on

charisma over substance.


Sadly, I can hope it will

indeed destroy itself while clinging to

some antiquated notion of

superiority based on nothing

but air. Fingernails broken

on the ledge of some nonsense.


Pride is earned.

Deserved Pride is modest,

humble, and meek.

It is open to the new;

the evolution of experience

over the dogma of the past.


Earned Pride is tearful and

covered in the scars of self

sacrifice. It is quiet.

Only beatified by those who

struggled along.


Has it been a minute yet?



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