Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Timing is everything

It’s quite true what’s been said, timing is everything. Think about all the moments’s in your life where you just missed getting hit by a car or were in a car accident and all that was needed was a few seconds one way or the other and you would have either been smeared on the road or would have avoided the accident all together.

Think about all those moments where just a few more seconds or another minute would have made all the difference in how your life turned out. Imagine if you hadn’t arrived at the bar that one night exactly when you did, someone else might have met your wife or husband before you did and you’d never have known it.

Random chance is all we seem to have. There is no rhyme or reason for any particular thing happening. Things just happen as a result of billions of tiny events so imperceptibly small coming together that we decide to call it divine and say all things happen for a reason. Well, they do as far as the laws of cause and effect are concerned, but it is random. It all depends on our own cause and effect and how it affects timing.

A second glance in a mirror on your way out the door before hitting the bars might have slowed you down just enough that you missed the robbery occurring at the bank next store to your house. If you hadn’t taken that second glance and just went right out those bank robbers might have taken you hostage, but since you took that second look, you were spared a horrible fate.

Relationships fall into the same type of category I think. Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time in each other’s lives. But then there are those that do meet at the right time and the right place and everything that ever happened in their lives seemed like it was leading them to that specific point. Every decision, every thought eventually brought them to standing at a bus stop at 2:00 in the morning where they meet the person they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. It really baffles the mind.

Timing is everything and I wonder how really aware of it we are. We can only live in the present, we can’t go backwards and change it and we can’t move forward to see how it turns out. We only have now to seize the opportunities presented to us and follow where they may lead.

The cycle of cause and effects starts the moment you make your first decision and it never stops, well, until you do anyway. I just hope I’ve made the right decisions and my timing will finally fall into sync and I’ll have the time of my life.

(And yes, I did just start thinking about Dirty Dancing thanks to that closing line; damn you Dirty Dancing.)

1 comment:

  1. i have been obsessing about this exact thing lately. I almost wrote about it today. But you beat me to it. Now I'll have to think of something else. Great work
