Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If they could see me now…

“Fingers flew furiously over
the faded keyboard while
a foggy framed familiar
focused like a filament
for a few flaming flashes.”

John sat back in his chair and marveled at his magnificent use of words and language. All those college professors that told him he would be nothing would rue the day they ever doubted his literary skill. He cracked his knuckles and returned to the computer keyboard. A smile spread over his fleshy face.

“An idea so incandescent
in its immediacy and irresistible
to interested irises in important

He sat back again and took a breath. It’d never been this easy before. He felt like the words were just pouring out of him. Maybe it was the new coffee creamers or the fact that he used a sugar substitute today. John felt himself sweating.

“Amazing! They’d all
announce as art met
an astoundingly awesome
adjustment. All would adore
and admire for always”.

This was it. This was the one that would get John noticed. That would get him on the review board and then they’d see how wrong they all were about him. They’d apologize to him and crown him the King of Poetry and Prose and he’d never have to work another day in his life. It was going to happen. John could feel it in the pit of his being. He was so close to making the greatest immortal mark a human man can make.

A dog barked and John woke up. He looked down the dark alley toward the street. It was still raining. John pushed the cardboard he was using as a temporary shelter off. It was soaked through now. He felt himself piss his pants again. All that damn rain made him have to go. He yawned. It was so common now he didn’t worry about it. He rubbed his chin and seemed to remember something about his dream. Something about words or letters but John really couldn’t remember. It was Tuesday, or maybe Saturday. Either way, John needed to get somewhere dry. The other garbage was starting to float toward him on long flowing rivers of rain water. 


  1. Ha ha! You rarely hear the phrase 'that's the poet's limo outside' but this is taking it a bit far! Just visiting from Third Sunday Blog Carnival and had a look at some of your other stories too... nice! Do you get them published somewhere?

    1. Thank you for visiting. I appreciate it. I wish I had them published somewhere else! I'm still working on that. Thank you again for reading.

  2. Very creative.. I tried to read the alliterations out loud and found myself tongue-tied, it made me laugh so thank you(: I'm here from the Third Sunday Blog Carnival and can't wait to explore through more of your writings! (And I have to say, I know what it's like to have written something in my dreams to then wake up and be like "I know I had something witty to write down, but what the hell was it?!?")
