2017 is
wrapping up shortly
and I think
it’s appropriate to
recognize it
for what it truly was;
The Most
Human of Years.
I believe
2017 was the most human
of years
simply because it reflected
what is the
most common and universal
trait of all
humans, our capacity to
2017 was
filled with so many
and whoops-a-doodles,
it’s amazing
we made it to the end.
baffling election results to even
baffling election results; our all too
human flaws
were showing.
I feel 2017
was a raw nerve, finally exposed,
and we were
doing everything we could
to keep
people from poking at it. Sometimes,
we didn’t do
it right and wound up just making
a grand mess
of things. Or just lied about it.
2017 was
filled with backtracking, corrections,
tactical reversals, contrarian
and general outrages over the lack
of outrage. The human year, was a jumble of
emotions and
thoughts, all running around
like kids at
recess, screaming and shouting.
If 2017 were
to have an image to represent
it, I would
have to choose a giant finger pointing
at, “the
other guy”. It would seem the most
since we
attempted to deflect any mistakes onto,
“the other
guy”, for the majority of the year.
It is my
hope that 2018 is The Year We Learn
From Our
Mistakes. I know that the pessimism of
2017 will mark
the first part of 2018, as the old year
can leave
quite a bruise. Yet I remain hopeful in the face
of our
collective humanity that we’ll do better, be better,
and rise
above our common frailties.
Here’s to a
New Year and the human capacity
to find hope
in the darkest of places, valor against
the most
difficult challenges and recognize the
humanity in
our humanness.