Friday, July 21, 2023

To Be Beautiful


To be Beautiful,

is relative,

to what is beauty.


A puddle in a


a rainbow in oil.


A sad smile,

tears on a cheek,

laughing through pain.


A ticking clock,

in an abandoned house,

measuring time.


A meal that lingers,


but delicious.


The hint of nudity,

when not called for,

in casual moments.


An abundance of


in loud places.


The depth of emptiness,

in a crowd,

dancing to the band.


Stilted sunlight,

through blinds,

against a plain wall.


Their laughter,

standing out,

filling the heart.


The beholder,


with wry intimacy.


Strange beauty,




Tuesday, July 18, 2023

No Old Souls


Old Souls are not a thing.

It’s something I’ve self-referenced

and have been referred to as, by

others, but I’m coming to realize,

there’s no such thing.


If souls exist, they are neither

old or young, it’s a pretentious label

slapped on the prepackaged idea of

who you are; your self-identity

as described to you, by others.


“Young Mr. So-and-so, is very responsible

for his age,” doesn’t mean Young Mr. So-and-So,

has an Old Soul, it just means that they

might have a greater sense of responsibility

or have developed some empathy at an

early age and comport themselves as such.


The same applies to those we accuse

of having a Young Soul, some youthful

exuberance or Devil may care energy,

it’s not a real thing, but a crafty way

to classify and separate people.


We’re all just (if you believe in it) souls,

bumping into shit as we plod along

this pathway of life, tripping and stumbling,

learning and growing, breaking and healing

with each precarious step.


We do not need to be labeled,

we do not need or branded into some

codifying corral, we are who we are

the moment we reach that moment,

and whomever we are at that moment.


There’s wisdom in the soul, old or young,

(if you believe in that sort of thing)

I’d rather believe that people are capable of

great acts of good or of evil and hopefully

choose to be good.


For the betterment of their soul,

(if you, of course, believe in that sort of thing.)


Friday, July 7, 2023



How’s it going to be

when you won’t believe

a word I say?


How’s it going to be

when you won’t hear

the tone in my voice?


Will you stay?

Will you go?

Will you put away those

childish things?


If you hear me,

if you see me,

if you understand.


Will you pretend it

never happened?

Will you ignore the

things you said?


Will your legs still

ache after walking in

my shoes?


Words are the warriors,

in this ceaseless battle of

ideas and feelings.  


A battlefield cluttered

with ideas and theories,

clashing across ideological



Words, jabbing and stabbing,

slicing and cutting,

with vitriolic hate lashed

with ignorance.


Ideas, dead on the ground,

shields glinting in the noon Sun,

as smoke tendrils of fire linger.


Can you imagine?

Can you see?

The power in poetry.

Did any side win?