Thursday, August 2, 2012


Art is candy for
the soul and it’s every

A poem,
A painting,
A dirty limerick,
A cloud that looks like a bunny,
A mother’s smile,
A spot on the mirror,
A blurry old Polaroid,
A girls crumpled sweater on the floor by the bed,
A song,
A beat,
A drink of cool water,
A beer,
A kiss placed on the edge of your nose by the softest lips ever.

It’s candy of the sweetest
kind, just sugary enough,
but not sticky.

It lasts in your
memory long after it’s gone.

It stirs the blood pumping
in your veins and makes
you marvel and hold your
breath a little so not even
the sounds of your own
body can deter you from
the magic.

A bird’s song,
A long summer shadow cast on the dusky sidewalk,
A crunchy, rocky beach path,
A laugh from a lover,
A breeze that smells like lavender,
A rain shower that pelts the window.

The soul isn’t an art critic.
It’s a candy lover.

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