Friday, September 20, 2019


Flabbergasted fingers flailing
from frustration for phrases,
frequencies or forms to fill
the fantasies of physical

Fervent and feverish,
flowing forward in floods of
flushed faces, furrowed and
fitful, fearful of fallacies and

Frequent foul-ups and
floundering, false feelings
offending the fairly fought for
foundation of free flirtations,
affronted and un-fixed.

Fumbling fingers,
flashing over flesh for
the fruits of physical freedom;
forgotten, forsaken, found

Fishing for fulfillment,
frequently found in friendly
confines, emphatically finished,
for the fewness of first affections,
flatly finalized.

Fingers, forced to flagellate
in frustrated phrases, for forgiveness
not to be found in the fermented
fragrances of fictional satisfactions,
the filament flamed fast and snuffed.

Former framers of Friday facetious
frolicking, filled with frantic and
fantastic fervor for the feeling of fingers
flirting over the finery of fragile

Fully finished, fingers now folded.

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