Friday, July 9, 2021

A Pessimism Spill


A pessimism spill may be

flooding my oceans.

There might have been

a subconscious breach,

a burst underwater pipe

releasing a ton

of pessimism.


I thought it was just a minor

sarcasm leak but its escalated

to a full-on pessimism spill.

So that sucks.

Like, so much…

everywhere, and I can

hardly bring myself to care.


The color of the ocean is changing

fairly rapidly.

From a lovely blue to some sort

of orangish, milky rage goo,

some kind of pessimistic bile fluid

spewing out in fat blobs,

as if you care.


I’ve capped it before,

taken a deep breath and

tried to focus on the clean

and clear waters around me,

the optimistic seas on which

I can choose to swim.

It’s a pain though. So much swimming.


I often make it to the beach,

where all the lovely bikini women are,

they point and laugh and say,

“You’ll never love again,” and giggle,

I turn back to the water, hoping

to crash against the breakwater

or meet a hungry shark.  



It’s a full-on pessimism leak,

spewing out into the water.


I’ll get my tools and scuba gear.


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