Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Hollywood Ending?


Only a year like this,

could there be an ending

more apropos;

the swelling music,

a crescendo, cymbals clash,

lovers embracing amid a

swirling sea of people,

as the credits start to roll

on the year that was 2021.


But no,

the after credits scene is

all spoilers,

there was no embrace,

there was no sea of people;

it’s the Statute of Liberty,

protruding from the sandy

beaches of the old world.


“You blew it up! Ah, damn you!

God damn you all to hell!”

Is what we all shout in unison,

from our windows, through

our still masked faces.

Because this year, while deserving

a Hollywood ending, won’t get it.


It’s just another long year,

full of tribulations and trials

of the soul.

Souls weary from the experience,

and unsure of the wisdom they

may have received.


That popular band did the theme

song, but no one really will remember it,

it’s no View to a Kill or Skyfall or

Goldfinger, or other Bond song,

even though we’ve been living

through a very Bond Villain type year.


A virus unleashed upon the world,

and the only cure is total world

domination, sounds like a very

bad Bond movie if you ask me.

I mean the implications of actually

taking over the world seems far too…


Like, even local, suburban or rural governments,

can hardly keep 40 people in a state of

agreement, how would a super villain

get like, even three people to agree to

his demands.


Like, what if all the virus deniers just

shrugged at the villain’s plan?

What would the villain do?

Just like, give up and return to

his volcanic lair? Sure.


2021 was a challenge for all of us,

a year of recovery has merely been

another year of surviving, of making

it. Which I can only hope will provide

us with the character and perseverance to

recognize we are the keys to our own

success and the grievances and grudges

of the past can fade.


We can all leave the theater in

agreement and say in one clear voice,

 “That movie was terrible.”



Happy New Years dear friends.  


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