Thursday, February 17, 2022

Allegorical Allegory, Metaphorically I'm Sure


If I try to write one more

allegory relating to being

on a roller coaster and

how that stomach drop feeling

goes and how so much of

life is like that feeling I think

I will actually regurgitate my stomach

out of my body, and onto

the people below, in line waiting

for the roller coaster.


Over and over, I’ve started

a terribly pedantic poem with

some nonsense about being anxious

on the roller coaster, or happy, or

excited about the sudden scary drop

or some other blathering garbage,

that I got actually sick of the whole

premise. So now you get this.


That’s the trouble with allegories.

There’s only so many common

human experiences that can

adequately express that “feeling”

we all have about one thing

or another. 

And I’m tired of them.

Plum tuckered.



Swimming in deep water,

standing in the shallow end,

seeing your prom date for the first time,

seeing your partner naked for the first time,

seeing yourself naked with your partner

for the first time. (Sheesh, who put your

body together? Silly Putty?)

There are so many common expressions

for these common experiences.

And I feel like they are weak.

Like my naked body.


I’m bored with them.

I’m nonplussed.

Like a diabetic kid in a candy store,

it’s a lot to choose from but, I can’t

have any. Or it’ll kill me.

Or I might lose a foot.


Ah, was that an allegory!?


No Escape.



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