Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Birthday (sigh) U.S.A.




It’s your “Birthday”.

In a couple days.

You’re looking…fat.

Like, you’ve really put on

a few pounds and are not

carrying it well.

You know that’s not healthy, right?


Really heavy in the middle

there, and the wrinkles,

wow. I’ve seen Egyptian

mummies with better skin,

are you moisturizing or using sunblock or

just letting your neck get so red?


You’re pretty young as countries go,

only 246 years old, which frankly, is a

toddler in comparison to a lot of

other countries. Did you know Japan

is over 4,000 years old? They look great

don’t they?


Well, I agree, being an Island can

be very slimming.

But I mean, you could have that look too.

If you wanted to, but that’s your choice

I suppose. I mean, if you’re allowed to

have a choice about your physical condition.

Metaphorically, obviously.  Or is it literal now?


Why don’t you open the present I got for


That’s right, it’s a box of fireworks to set off

at three o’clock in the morning on a random

Wednesday in November because you’re America

damn it and you’ll be damned if anyone tells you

how and when to set off explosives.

Neighbors suck anyway, right?


Actually, USA, I’m not really feeling your

birthday this year. Sure, we’ll go to the party,

and have the BBQ and drink until our kidneys fail,

but I’m just worried about you bro.

You’ve been getting weird in your aging.

Like, so weird.


Is something bothering you?

Like, are you upset at us or something?

Did we do something to make you mad?

I mean, you don’t have to answer me right

now, I know that’s the last thing you

want to think about around your birthday but…


I mean a lot of people have died for you,

so maybe, I don’t know, have a frank and

honest discussion with us about where you

see yourself going, I mean, do you want to

stay this aging frat bro, or get a little classier

and stop this madness?


A lot of people aren’t really “feeling” it

this year. There’s been some really crappy

stuff done in your name bro, so, people

are pretty, just, “not into you” right now.

I mean, I think people are starting to think

Canada is a little hotter than you.

At least that’s what I heard.


I am sorry to pressure you bro,

I know you have a lot on your plate,

it appears to mostly be filled with cake,

but a full plate nonetheless.

I just want you to have a Happy Birthday

and to maybe really think about

your choices. The choices that have a deep

and long-lasting effect on us, bro.


I hope you find the time this year to

maybe get in a little exercise, maybe

try to take care of yourself a little

better, stop all that pollution and litter

and try to work on all that lard thickening

you up so, so, so much in the middle.


Also, don’t do a keg stand this year.

I know you love it, but dude, it’s time to


Okay, try to have a happy birthday.

I’ll try to have a good Fourth of July.


Photo Credit:

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