Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Whiz Bang


Holy humming and

whizzing in my head,

whirring and clanging,

as the magnets did

what they do

around my brain.



two of them actually,

over two days,

to see what it is,

that is causing what it



In a small tube,

like a packed cigarette,

huffed and puffed on

for a medical diagnosis

for the hemispheric facial

spasms I’ve had for a while.


It’s like a facial tic,

comes and goes,

it's often annoying,

sometimes it’s hardly

there at all,

but I notice it.


A twitch in my left cheek,

around my left eye,

across my left upper lip,

a hiccup of a motion,

making me blink,

making me annoyed.


I’m just trying to find out

what it might be,

it’s likely nothing but the artery

being too close to the nerve in my cheek,

and with every heartbeat,

the blood pulsing through my arteries,

triggers the nerve and viola,

a twitch.


There’s treatment for it

of course, nothing I like,

but a treatment, nonetheless.

Unfortunately the treatment isn’t

wine, women, and song.

But multiple injections

to the face, with Botox,

so yeah.




and song,

haven’t really cured

much of anything come to

think about it.


Although it certainly beats

the humming and buzzing

and whirring of magnets,

electricity, and mechanics

of modern medicine.


At least I know where

to get a kiss.

When I need it.




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