Monday, February 15, 2016

President's Day

Mr. President I’m sure you know,
doing right is a hard way to go,
enforcing laws and making policy
all while judged on TV.
New President I hope you understand,
there’s lots of different ways in this land,
Everyone different wants something the same,
but we still need a person to blame.
A President should know,
there’s different ways to show,
there’s a smart path to success,
beyond ideological excess.
Ex-Presidents are impossible to save,
their only respite is the grave,
unless you’re Jimmy Carter,
who’ll go on as a martyr.
Mr. President I hope you’re not wrong,
and know this scheme from a song,
It’s taken blatantly,
but it means so much to me.
Future President I need to believe,
I won’t end up crying on my sleeve,
that the good of the citizenry,
outweighs the wants of the greedy.
Maybe President I hope you’ll see,
it’s all about what’s best for we,
there’s no time for a wall,
since the Earth is so small.
Person President I know I’m free,
so don’t take that away from me
I can say what I like, I can make a choice,
I can be who I am, I can find a voice.
Mr. President I want you to shine,
and not whither on the vine,
Moral, Just and smart,
more than just a bleeding heart.
Maybe President don’t be blinded by faith,
it’s a good start but it’s not safe
there’s always some left behind,
who are not of like mind.
Mr. President it’s not easy,
when people can be sleazy,
but you must rise above,
resist the urge to shove.
Thank you Mr. President,
it’s a hard job with regret,
and there’s always growing pains
when we have to use our brains.
So future President,
Don’t forget,
it’s more than an election show
Future President I hope you know.

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