Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Let's Talk about Words, Baby.

Words are charged with
an exceptional amount of power.
They can move the planet
if used properly. From the strongest
words to the mildest, they have raw

There have been famous words,
heard by every school child and
adult, so a piece of our collective
consciousness, that to take those
words away would be to strip us
of who we are.

The words that make us, inside our
minds, the loves, hopes, dreams,
and monologues are stitched together
in an intricate pattern of delicately
chosen words, a pattern which becomes
who we are and how we’re perceived.

We’ve thrown words away when they’re not
right. We’ve corrected our words when they
don’t adequately express what we’re trying to say,
we’re the constant editors of our own
narrative, and that is what gives our words
such strength.

Words are immediate, present. The words we
choose give meaning to the most inconsequential and
consequential moments of our lives.
Words provide a way to define our reality,
to make sense of the wonder always around us.
Words live and breathe.

Words, can at most times, speak louder than action.
Words can be taken away with a surprised gasp,
or in the rage of a fiery throat, sore from yelling,
Words, are not disposable things to be catted about
willy-nilly. They have power and should be respected
for that power.  Words resonate with our will.

Even the word, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”.
Deserves respect.
Yes, it’s a real word.     
It’s medical and super real.
And I use it to make my point,
about the power of a word.

If I heard a doctor used that
word, I would immediately pique up
my ears and pay very close attention to
the words that followed.
A twenty-dollar word like that should
be heeded.   

It goes to show what power,
gravity, metal and or grit any
word can have and how important it
is to use them properly, with mindfulness,
thoughtfulness and some amount
of compassion for the ears your words may
fall upon.

Choose these powerful tools wisely,
sticks and stones may break your bones,
but words can scar you for life.
They can destroy other’s lives,
they can destroy your own life.
So be responsible with this power.

Be responsible with your words.

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