Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I Almost Slipped Today

The silent settling snow
setting snares for smooth
soled shoes. Sidewalk
surfaces slathered slickly
so solid standing is

Sneaky snow, smothering
streets, slyly supplanting
steadiness with slips, spins,
and sliding. Sordid and spectacular,
snows, slopping and sloshing,
so simply.

Stopping stifled by slippery
sediment so snowbound;
seems a scam of the seasons,
to so seriously stagnate the
stalwart with salacious snows
and sick slickness.

Sleet and snow showering
from seedy skies, set on
slapping the sinful and the saints
into submission and servitude,
so shovels sit stationary and

Snow and sleet, set to succeed,
silently seducing streets and
sidewalks with solicitations and
salutations. Snidely smiling and
smoothly sneering at Spring, sitting
in the stands.

Snowy and sleety, slushy and
slick; sinister, silent, smooth
settling snows, still standing
superior, sealing Spring’s
surprises in a seasonal sepulcher.

I almost slipped today.

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