Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's too hot in here...

It’s very tough to come up with something exciting and creative for this blog while completely whacked out on cold medicine. My ability to concentrate on one thought is greatly diminished by the constant coughing and nose blowing. I certainly didn’t sleep well last night thanks to my fevered dreams of being a poker playing cattle baron who was worried about getting his cattle to round-up and making it to the World Series of Poker’s Final Table; then playing poker for my cattle.

I woke up worried I’d lose my cows and never see them again. Then I slowly realized that I was not a cattle baron, but a lowly worker bee in the corporate hive. I don’t remember if I was relieved or disappointed.   Those cold medicine dreams are certainly something else.

It’s also hard because I have several meetings I have to sit through this morning and there’s nothing as annoying as someone sniffling and sneezing and coughing all through a meeting. I can’t stand it for sure. But now it’ll be me and I’ll have to try and control myself with the added benefit of trying to stay awake and not dream about my lost cows.

I hope I can hold it together long enough to go out for a nice meal tonight. It is unfortunate that part of tonight’s planned activities involves a wine tasting and yet, I can’t taste a thing thanks to this cold. 
“Are you enjoying your glass of monkey stool”, asked the Sommelier.
“Oh, yes, very much so. What year is the monkey?”
“That’s a 2007 Monkey”.
“Lovely”, sniffle.

I’m certainly hoping that my cold runs its course quickly and is nearly gone by the weekend, or at least it’s packing its bags. Nothing ruins a weekend more thoroughly than a cold or flu and with only 52 weekends a year it’s a shame to lose one to illness. Weekends are my time and I’m not too pleased to have to share it with Captain Clogged Nostrils and the Coughing Cougars of Constantinople. I feel robbed somehow or at least short changed.

I wonder what I’ll write about when I’m well again. It is warm in here?

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