Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Growling

There’s a growling from my
insides, no mere grumbling
of hunger, but an audible growl;
it has seeped up and out from
my throat more and more.

An irritation; a pebble in
my shoe, a ringing in the ear,
listening to an idiot telling a joke,
it’s all making this growl louder,
and I’m not sure what to do.

Is it appropriate to growl?
Do we growl?
Did we growl in human history?
What made us growlers?
Is it akin to howling?

This growl, a frustrated noise,
more than a grunt, or a bellow,
more than a chortle or annoyed
sigh. A growl, a roar, rumbling in
something I think is like my soul.

Is a growl just a swallowed scream?
A back up of frustration over love,
life, sex, humor, anger, disappointments,
time, expressed in bared teeth and
a rumble of noise in the throat.

This growl noise is also annoying since
I am a human being and not some feral
creature trying to scare away some
approaching predator. I’m rational,
logical, pragmatic, and resist flights of rage.

It is still there though, beckoning to be
released in some comical human groan,
a noise that would be unidentifiable in the
animal kingdom as a “growl”. The other mammals
would laugh at me. Point their opposable thumb less
paws at me and snicker.

A frustrated human noise, ringing like
church bells through my guts,
clanging and tolling for relief,
for quiet and peace, some time
when the growl is quiet.

A drink, a smoke, a laugh or
two, a kiss, a sensual touch,
a loving wink, a quiet between
two minds; I think that
might quiet this growl.

Until the next time I wonder
what that god-awful noise I
am making is.   

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