Monday, August 1, 2016

That's So August

August is a peculiar month.
There’s no doubt in my mind
about its strangeness. 

The waning summer, fading
with longer shadows earlier in
the day.

A month, made from the whims
of Romans, numbered and toyed with
from 700 BC to 8 BC.

It’s historically a month of triumphs,
of successes, fertility, meteor showers
and civility.

August has had dates etched on
my mind, never forgotten,
and a marvel for their timing.

It’s a weird month,
full of odd holidays and

It’s currently International Clown Week,
World Breastfeeding Week, and of course,
International Beer Day on the 5th.

A mish-mash of events,
so if you see a drunken breastfeeding clown,
you’ll know why.

Because it’s August.
And it’s strange.

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