Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am back to work after the weekend and a surprisingly entertaining Memorial Day. I still was filled with foreboding and dread about coming back to work but at least I’m not in my 400 degree apartment.

It gets exceedingly warm in my third floor apartment. I have two air conditioners, one in the dining room and one in the bedroom. They do a pretty sufficient job of keeping the place cool. But I just can’t bring myself to turn it on in May. Something doesn’t seem quite right about that. At least we start June tomorrow and the dilemma will have solved itself. (Might even solve itself tonight)

I wasn’t really ready to come back to work though. I would have liked to enjoy a little more time off, but we must do these things. We must. Wow, writing that right there just really depressed me.  But I’ll resist the temptation to wallow in my own self-pity today. I’ll save that for another time.  Today is all about getting back to basics and taking care of business. No matter how creatively humiliating it is.

I’ve almost stopped sweating from my long walk from the train station to the office. I’m starting to wonder if I should keep some spare tee-shirts in my desk drawer here at work. Of course the last thing I need is extra laundry to lug around downtown. Although I think there’s a dry cleaner in the building. But I’m not too sure about that though, “Hey, dry cleaning lady. Here’s a bundle of sweaty tee-shirts for you, thanks”.

I’d feel bad for her. Even though I’m sure she gets much worse from some people downtown. Still, I don’t feel like it’s her responsibility. It's my fault for being a sweat monster. (I actually don't understand the sweating, I am not exactly overweight or in too terrible of shape, yet, I'm a fountain of persperation. How sexy am I?) 

I’m merely delaying the inevitable today. I should really start working on a few of the things on my list for today, but I really don’t want to. I’d like to go down to the meat locker or cooler and finally cool off. That’s what I’d like to do right now.  I’m not complaining about the heat mind you. I don’t care that it’s 90 degrees out already. I’m glad it’s warm out finally. I do complain about my circumstances and consequences surrounding the increased temperature though.  I think I’ll go find some cool marble to lie on and a block of ice to stuff down my pants. Now that’s a great way to recharge.

1 comment:

  1. either stash shirts at work or do the dry clean thing. as a fellw sweat hog it is totally worth it
