Thursday, June 23, 2011

How fast can I do this?

I have another fun Thursday of meetings to attend so I have to try and crank out something insightful and witty in about 23 minutes. I know this usually takes about a minute or so to read but it usually takes me about ½ an hour to 40 minutes to piece an article together and make it somewhat coherent.

I suppose I could just ramble on endlessly about everything that’s going on in my brain. Like how I saw two women on the train today that seriously could have been separated at birth. They weren’t sitting near each other but when they stood up to de-train, I had to look back and forth between them to make sure I wasn’t having a stroke, causing double vision. They didn’t see each other though so it was just strange. I wondered what would have happened if they did see each other. Would they have screamed? Would the fabric of space/time warped?

Or maybe I could complain about the cost of clothes. I went clothes shopping last night to update my summer short sleeve shirt collection and ended up spending far too much. When I looked at the total and the amount of things I bought I started sweating. It was crazy. It’s no wonder I only buy new clothes every 600 years.

I watched one of the best TV shows on the planet last night, NOVA on PBS is still producing some of the best educational or news stories. Last night was all about the tragic Challenger and Columbia disasters and what steps NASA had taken. It was pretty powerful to be brought back to those moments and bear witness to those tragedies all over again. I love NASA and I hate to see them get run down by budgetary concerns. Exploration and science held up for the sake of penny pinching is so depressing.

In On This Day in History news, (thanks again History Channel) June 23, 1987 Tiffany, Tiffany Darwish, was launched into teenage singing phenomenon known as, “Beautiful You: Celebrating the Good Life Shopping Mall Tour ‘87”. Yes, Tiffany gave her first mall performance today. How could this momentous day not be recognized as a Federal Holiday is beyond me?

In real history news though, June 23, 1940 Hitler toured Paris in the wee morning hours stopping only to comment after seeing Napoleon’s tomb, “That was the greatest and finest moment of my life”. He was then heard to say, “Now, I think I’d like to make out with a koala”.

Okay, that’s enough for now, time for a meeting. Sigh.   

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